Working under pressure is not necessarily the most ideal way to complete a project, but in some cases, the circumstances are out of our control.
Overall, this period of time between Thanksgiving Break and Winter Break is the most critical time for all classes. Teachers and students are attempting to finish the curriculum for this semester, so there has been a significant increase in the number of assignments and assessments.
Currently in ISM, I am spending a majority of my time working on my original work. In addition, I have begun reaching the point in the Independent Study and Mentorship Program where I am about to decide on who I would like to be my mentor. With all the deadlines quickly approaching with the increase in assignments, stress levels and pressure also begin to rise. In such situations, it is important to remain calm and take everything in stride.
I will challenge myself to remain calm throughout these next few weeks, regardless how stressful it may become. I will also try to find an effective way to balance my schedule in a productive manner, especially on the weekends, so that I am able to finish all of my assignments on time. With these in mind, I am confident that I can finish the semester off strong.