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Chloe Cheong

Guided Warm-Ups

Outside guidance or advice can be extremely helpful when you are attempting a brand new task. You’re not going to know everything or be able to answer every question, so it is important to be able to take constructive criticism and learn from other people’s suggestions.

As I mentioned in my last blog, our school held our annual Independent Study and Mentorship gallery walk last week. I was able to present all of the work I have done so far in the class and explain what the ISM program was all about to other like-minded students. Overall, it was an extremely fulfilling experience.

In my opinion, the best part of the gallery walk was that I was able to explain my idea for my final product and gain some feedback from my peers. For example, one of my friends suggested that I could 3-D print the model, but I would need to look into flexible 3-D printing polymers. While that will take some work, I am looking forward to creating my final product and using their suggestions to improve my final product. 

Without my friends and their suggestions, I would honestly have no idea where to start. Taking their advice, I will begin to plan what materials and supplies I will need in order to create my final product. Once I figure it out, I will give you an update!

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