Contacting people you don’t know can be uncomfortable, especially when there is a chance that they will dismiss you. In general, the anticipation of what will happen is the most nerve racking portion of reaching out to strangers.
While I continue my journey through the Independent Study and Mentorship Program, I have reached the point where I must begin engaging in cold calls and start to reach out to professionals that I think will be beneficial to my research. The interviews that will result from the cold calls will help me develop my original product for this semester.
As of right now, I am slightly struggling with compiling a list of people I would like to contact. However, I feel confident that I will be able to find professionals that will be able to help me during my research. I hope to learn more about sports specialization from a professional’s perspective who works with younger athletes on a daily basis.
Although I am nervous about what will happen as I start cold calling people, I am also excited to learn more from professionals who could help me with my research. I have finally reached the next level and can’t wait to see how it unfolds.