When tasked with researching a topic, most people immediately turn to Google with their questions. Once they receive their answer and write it down, they tend to forget about it right away. Personally, I have also mainly relied on Google to answer my questions in the past.
However, this week in ISM I was assigned my first of many research assessments. I was tasked with discovering an intriguing article and annotating it. Then, I would need to write about my learning experience and any new questions I developed when I was reading the article. While I have done similar research in my other classes such as AP Seminar, this was the first time where I was given the opportunity to investigate more about a topic without having to come to an immediate conclusion.
In past research assignments, I had been given a strict timeline that usually lasted only one or two weeks. As a result, I was only able to scratch the surface with my research on the topic. On the other hand with my long-term research through ISM, I am able to dive deeper into the specifics about my topic, orthopaedic surgery. For example, this week I was able to discover more about the implementation of digital medicine in orthopaedic surgery and how it has revolutionized the treatment process. While I did become frustrated at some points during the research process, I was able to face the problems head on and was able to successfully write an article about the new information that I acquired.
As I continue my journey through the ISM program, I will continue to tackle my research and any obstacles that I may encounter with my best effort.