Meeting people and networking with a new group of individuals can be daunting to many people. Lots of people, especially more introverted people, may find it challenging to interact with new people. This could be due to many factors such as their personality or personal circumstances. However, everyone has to be able to socialize with strangers in order to build connections.
During the ISM Business Symposium this past week, I was able to network with a variety of new people, ranging from other ISM students to successful professionals. Through the experience, I was able to learn more about the expectations for future projects and the program as a whole from the ISM 2 students. In addition, I was able to gain insight on how longer interviews are conducted with true professionals. During these mock interviews, I was able to properly apply my professional communication skills. Furthermore, I was able to make some impactful connections with ISM students from different campuses.
With the connections and knowledge that I have gained from the symposium, I will begin my journey to establishing informational interviews with other professionals. While this will include daunting tasks such as cold calling professionals, I hope to apply my newfound skills to effectively interact with others. Until next week, where we’ll touch base again!